Attention Business, Marketing, and Sales Coaches: Tired of “Launch Formulas”
That Take Up Tons of Time, Energy, and Money… But Don’t Produce Results?

It’s time to put a STOP to it once and for all!

We’re Here to Make Launches Simple Again!


Yeah baby, I want to be a Certified Flash Launch Coach!


Hey there, fellow SUPERpreneur,

Super-AGP (masquerading as mild-mannered reporter Amanda Goldman-Petri) here.

If you’ve been paying any attention at all to the chatter about marketing your coaching biz over the past few years, I’m sure you’ve had the idea of “launches” drilled into your head over and over again.

It seems like launches are all the “gurus” talk about these days. If you’re not doing big,

spectacular launches that everybody in the free world knows about… then you’re not serious about your business (or that’s what they’d have you believe, anyway).

And, of course, they can’t make product or service launches simple.

They always tell you that you have to follow some 47-step checklist right down to the letter if you want to have any hope of success at all.

And it’s no surprise that coaches and other biz owners who try to follow these insane launch formulas… fail.

Gee, I wonder why that is…

In case you haven’t already figured it out… the “villains” in the marketing world want you to faceplant.

They’re counting on you getting so bogged down in all the steps and techniques and technology… that you give up long before you cross the finish line!

That way, they can have the market all to themselves… without having to worry about pesky competition (that means you).

They’ve gotten away with it for quite a while, too.

But today, an elite band of super-coaches is restoring justice,
profits, and integrity to the coaching world…
by vanquishing those long, frustrating launches for good!

You see, I’ve been hanging around the coaching world for quite a few years now… and I’ve been watching this all go down. These villainous “gurus” charge thousands to tell you to…

  • Write and create the perfect long-form sales page
  • Write, Record, Edit, and Embed a Marketing Video on said sales page
  • Go ask everyone and their mother to be an Affiliate Partner for your program
  • Create Tracking Links, Images, Copy, and more for said affiliates
  • Write, Promote, Launch, and Present on a gazillion and one Webinars leading up to the launch
  • Create a Sales Funnel Leading into Your Offer!
  • Whip Up A 3-Part Video Series Leading Into Your Offer!
  • Do A Facebook Live and/or Periscope Every Day Leading Into Your Offer
  • Email your list 7…14…No..20 Times!
  • And more!

They’re not really “coaching” you on launches as much as they are just giving a “list” of marketing ideas.

The thing is, there’s a MUCH easier way to conduct launches… one that eliminates all of those unnecessary steps and lets you go from zero to fat stacks of cash fast, instead of keeping you bogged down in fruitless details.

I developed this simple strategy during my first several years as a coach and a marketer… and it’s a HUGE part of my success! (Really. I’ll tell you a bit more about some of my accomplishments a bit later).

But I’m not the kind of coach who likes to keep the good stuff to herself. The way I see it, I’m here to make the coaching world a better place… and that means empowering others to do their thing more efficiently and more profitably.

Until recently, I’ve only been teaching this simplified, easy-peasy launch strategy to my VIP and Mastermind clients (at up to $18,000 a pop, at that). But I wanted to do more than just teach a small handful of clients how to skip the hassles and make more cash from their launches. I wanted to create a movement… a new breed of highly trained, experienced SUPERpreneurs who could restore integrity and justice by…

Imploding the outdated, convoluted 47-step approach to product and
service launches… and replacing it with a simple launch system that anyone with a little motivation could learn quickly

Successfully implementing this system in their own coaching businesses so they could serve as shining examples to all.

Teaching these simple techniques to others to help them grow their own businesses and profits.

Offering the simple launch system as part of their own services, so that business owners have easy access to it.

Ridding the coaching world of myths, confusion, and guesswork when it comes to launches… and usher in a new era of success and profits for all!

If you want to be part of this movement…

If you want a simple, repeatable launch system to generate serious cash for yourself and your clients…

If you want to be seen as an authority figure who provides real results for your clients, instead of just a bunch of fluff…

Then you’re going to want to leap into…

The Flash Launch Certified Coach™
Training Program

Flash Launch Coaches are a unique kind of SUPERpreneur – they’re all about getting real results fast from their launches… while spending as little time and energy as possible making it all happen. And they’re dedicated to helping other business owners escape the “insane launch” trap that all those heinous “gurus” have set for them.

Through this exclusive program (which stays locked and heavily guarded by grumpy red dragons most of the year), these coaches are getting the real-world skills, insights, and coaching to get their new products and services in front of their hungriest clients swiftly and simply… and to get those orders coming in faster than Deadpool can think of a bad pun!

And, as part of their commitment to making the coaching world a better, safer place for marketers of all stripes… they’re teaching this status quo-crushing material to their own clients (while getting rewarded handsomely for it, of course).

Right now, I’ve shoo-ed away the guard-dragons (they needed a smoothie break anyway)
and opened the big iron doors to my Flash Launch Certified Coach Training Program.

What that means for you, my fellow warrior of justice, is that you have the rare opportunity to step into my secret training dojo and learn the art of no-hassle, hyper-profitable launches.

You’ll learn exactly how to plan, initiate, and earn buckets of cash from your product and service launches in just days or weeks… while your competitors are still stuck on step 6 of the 47-step launch plan their “gurus’ tell them to follow.

But that’s not all. You also have the chance to learn how to teach this material without taking up a ton of your time (after all, you’re a SUPERpreneur – you’ve got villains to vanquish, right?)

AND… to make it even easier for you to help set the coaching world aright, you’re even going to learn exactly how to integrate this material into your own business… so you can grow your income AND free your clients from the “launches are complicated” myth that gurus are selling out the wazoo!

Shazam! I can’t wait to hear more about this program, Super-AGP!

I kinda figured that. Well, let’s take a closer look then, shall we?

If you’ve taken any of my other certification courses, you know that I set them up in DO-TEACH-SELL fashion. Here’s what I mean by that – you need to be able to DO in order to effectively TEACH… and it’s critical to have the right teaching tools and experience to be able to SELL the material to your clients (otherwise, you’d be no better than those arch-nemesis “gurus” that have caused us all so much strife, right?).

Let’s take a closer look at exactly what I’m talking about!

  • DO

It’s time to lace up those shiny superhero boots, because you’re about to discover (and implement) the simplest launch system anywhere! This is the same proven Launch Like a Nerd material that my VIP and Mastermind clients have paid up to $18K for… and that has made them millions in revenue! With step-by-step training, group coaching, and a treasure chest of templates, scripts, and other resources, you’ll ramp up your sales and attract new clients like Ninja Turtles to a pepperoni pizza!

This phase is structured as a 30-day intensive and sales challenge (more on that in a minute). So for the first month, you’ll be focusing on learning the simple Flash Launch strategies and using them in your own coaching biz. That way, you can see them at work with your own eyes – and I promise that once the results start pouring in, you’re going to be stoked!

Here’s the agenda for the DO phase:

Week 1: We’ll kick things off by giving you access to the entire Launch Like a Nerd video trainings and print materials. You’ll focus on watching the trainings this week (but don’t sweat it – the modules aren’t that long, so you’ll have plenty of time). During Week 1, you’ll also brainstorm ideas for your launch with me, and we’ll nail down the best launch for where you are in your business right now. By the end of the week, you’ll already be WAY ahead of 98% of the other coaches out there!

Week 2: Here’s where you’re going to put all the pieces together from your training and your brainstorming session. With my help, you’ll set up the few simple items you need for a rock-solid, sales-generating launch!

Week 3: Strap on your seat belt, because we’re taking off faster than the Silver Surfer can tear through the galaxy! This is the week you’ll complete your initial 7-day launch for your main offer. Your focus here will be using your launch to generate as many sales calls as possible (and turn those calls into revenue).

Of course, I’ll be there to help every step of the way. Like I said, the launch system I teach is pretty simple to follow (and, once you’ve got it down, you’ll be able to implement it blindfolded)… but if you do run into any snags or need clarification on anything, I’m here to help!

Later in the week, you’ll need to send me a quick report of your results – I’ll be using that info to tally up your points for the week… which can put you in the running for some pretty swanky prizes at the end of the month.

Week 4: This week, we’ll get into simple upsell and downsell strategies you can use to get even more sales and maximize your revenue. You’ll also finish up your launch implementation and send a final report of your results at the end of the week. After that, I’ll tally up everyone’s points, based on homework, sales calls scheduled and completed, and revenue generated from the launch. Then we can get on with

Now… let’s talk PRIZES!

Yes, the boost in your business will feel pretty darned good, let me tell you. But if you’re one of the top 3 coaches at the end of the 30-day race, you’ll also get…

3RD Place: If you’re my 3rd place winner, I’m going to send you a $100 Amazon gift card that you can spend on anything your little heart desires! Whooo!

2ND Place: Yep, you’re also getting a $100 Amazon gift card… so that’s pretty cool. But here’s what else you’re getting as my 2nd place winner – an exclusive SUPERpreneur Spotlight! That means that you and your biz will be showcased in front of all 10,000+ of my followers. If authority, respect, and the potential for a truckload of referrals sounds good to you, then you’re going to want to put everything you’ve got into grabbing this coveted spot!

1st Place: Want a $100 Amazon gift card? Snag the top spot in this competition, and you’ll get one. And, of course, you’re getting your own SUPERpreneur Spotlight too. But as my 1st place winner, I’m also giving you ONE YEAR FREE ACCESS to my private League of Certified Coaches. If you really want to master every aspect of your coaching business (and collect some awesome-sounding certifications along the way), you’re going to LOVE this!

By the way… the League of Certified Coaches membership typically costs $197 a month… but if you win this whole 30-day shebang, access will be FREE for you for one year!

Okay, fellow SUPERpreneur, let’s move on to the next phase of the Flash Launch Certified Coach Training Program…


By now, you’ve got a good handle on the simple way to get new clients and skyrocket your income without the frustrations of complicated, expensive launches… and you’ve reaped the benefits of implementing this approach in your own business. Now, let’s talk about making those teaching skills sharper than Wolverine’s claws!

Here’s how this 30-day phase is set up:

Week 1: This week is all about the questions you’ll hear as a Flash Launch Coach… and how to answer those questions confidently. Now, you’ll hear a lot of these questions over and over again (like “How long should my launch be?” and “Should I use a webinar in my launch?”), and we’ll focus on those. But you’ll get some oddball questions too… and chances are, I already have the answers!

Week 2: We’re devoting Week 2 to giving you ways to help your clients smash through the roadblocks that are keeping them from succeeding in their businesses. Most of the time, these roadblocks are self-imposed (things like hangups about money, fear of failing or looking foolish, feeling overwhelmed, low self-confidence, etc.)… and you can help your clients eliminate them with the easy strategies you’ll learn in this week’s training. They’ll wonder how you did it… and they’ll love you for it!

Week 3: During week 3, we’ll be focusing on simple, tested strategies you can use to help your clients lasso the best results possible. After all, the greater their success, the greater your authority (and reputation) as a launch coach! We’ll also cover the best practices for launch coaching, so you can hit the ground running at warp speed!

Week 4: This week, you’re going to get plenty of opportunities to practice your launch coaching so you can refine your skills before you start training your clients. You’ll grab a partner and spend the week practicing your presentations to perfection!

And finally, we’ll spend our final 30 days of the program jumping into the SELL phase…

  • SELL

You know how to implement the Flash Launch system in your business. You know how to teach it to your clients in a way that makes it simple for them to plug in and profit. Now we’ll arm you with the tools and knowhow to package and resell this material to your own clients. And remember – I’ve sold this exact system for up to $18K a person, so believe me, you can pour some serious profits out of this certification!

Now, I’m not just giving you training here. I’m also handing over all the swipe files, scripts, templates, and everything else you need to get your clients begging you for this super-secret info. And I’m giving you a 30-day license to sell the Flash Launch material in your own business during the SELL phase… so you can make money from the material well before you ever finish the program!

Week 1: We’ll get into the fundamentals of integrating launch coaching as a natural extension of your business. That way, you can sell it more easily to your existing clients, who are rockin’ sources of testimonials and referrals! During week 1, we’ll also go over all of the templates, swipes, and other time-saving swag you’ll be using to sell this done-for-you launch coaching material!

Week 2: This week, we’ll dive into the legal aspects of launch coaching. Because I know you’re an ethical coach (otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this right now), you’ll probably never have a problem… but it’s good to know how to protect yourself and your coaching biz from a legal standpoint.

Week 3: You’re going to be super-proud by the end of the week, because I’m going to have you not only sell launch coaching… but help 2 of your clients earn at least $500 each from their launches. (You’ve got this… and I’ll be around to help! So don’t let this make you nervous, caped crusader!)

Week 4: We’ll wrap things up this week by having you finish up your launch coaching sale and delivering the best results possible for your clients!

Who’s gonna have your back? Me, that’s who!

Hey, I know that this all might seem like a bit much to take on. You might be wondering what’ll happen if you get stuck on a question, or you feel like you’re doing things all wrong, or if a client has a question you’re not sure how to answer.

Chill. I’ve got your back.

I’m holding LIVE group Q&As throughout the program so you can get your questions answered (and you’ll learn a lot from other member’s questions, too). So any time you’re not sure about something, just bring it up at the next Q&A call – I’ll be thrilled to help!

When you complete your registration, I’ll also add you to the The Flash Launch Coaches’ Secret Lair (aka our private Facebook group). Your fellow Flash Launch Coaches will be an amazing source of answers, insights, experience, motivation, and support… plus, it’s just great to hang out with other people who are this awesome! I’ll be popping in from time to time, too – I love nerding out about launches with my program members!

And just to make it clear, I’ll put everything I have into making sure you get the best results possible from this program. I strive to be as accessible, helpful, and approachable as possible – after all, I feel that my success depends on helping you build a profitable, valuable coaching business that you can be truly proud of. So I’ll be around to support you to the best of my abilities – I pledge and guarantee it!

Now let’s talk about certification and licensing, because…
well, this is kinda important stuff.

At the end of the SELL phase, you’ll have a 30-day grace period to
turn in homework, reports, and assessment materials (that includes a quiz… but don’t worry – if you’ve been taking part in the training and implementation, you’ll be fine.)

After I’ve reviewed everything and determined that you’ve blown away the requirements, I’ll send you your Certified Flash Launch Coach badge to put on your website and social media accounts!

Then, if you want to rebrand and sell the Flash Launch material, just connect with me and sign a simple licensing agreement. Then you can use all of the material (including scripts, templates, and swipes) as-is, or tweak it however you like!

Just to be clear… you MUST pass the certification requirements and sign the licensing agreement in order to sell the materials in your own business. This is because, as I’ve said, I’m committed to making the coaching world a better place. And that means only working with coaches who are completely on top of their game. After all, that’s exactly what your clients deserve!

So what makes you the right coach to
teach me this stuff, Amanda?

That’s a fair question, I suppose. I mean, if you’ve worked with me before, you know that I overdeliver like crazy, am super-fun and hella-motivating to work with, and get some pretty insane results for my clients.

But just in case you’re new around these parts, or we’ve just never crossed paths before…

I’ve spent the past several years helping coaches build bigger, stronger, more fulfilling businesses (and, of course, earn the kind of cash that would make Bruce Wayne himself smile. That man knows what’s up.)

In fact, I’ve worked with coaches from 31 countries (and counting) on 6 out of 7 continents!

And to tell you the truth, I started seeing that when it comes to launches, people were having the same problems over and over again. They couldn’t seem to get past the same old hurdles, and the didn’t understand why!

I realized that it was because they were being taught overly complicated launch “systems” by gurus who weren’t using these systems themselves. In fact, most of these “experts” really didn’t know anything about launches at all – they were just putting together fluff that sounded good, selling it for $1000s (and sometimes more), and laughing all the way to the bank!

So I started tearing apart all of the popular launch systems out there. I stripped them down to the fundamentals – the pieces that would work over and over again in any niche. And I developed a launch system that was fast, easy to implement, and produced rapid, mindblowing results.

But things got really exciting when I started seeing the numbers come in, both in my own biz and in my clients’ businesses

Here’s just a few examples

  • I made $150K in 4 months at age 23, $120 in 90 days at age 25, and a whopping $562K in 90 days at age 26… all thanks to these simple techniques!
  • I once landed 60 new clients in 24 hours using what you’ll learn here!
  • In one of my Certification course runs, 94% of members made up to $40K within just 3 weeks!
  • In another program, members made a stunning $661K in 60 days!
  • One of my coaches “paid it forward” by helping one of her own clients earn $175,000 using my step-by-step approach!

And that’s just the beginning!

Let’s hear from some of my coaches and
see what they say about this

“98 sales calls in 48 hours!”
“I knew within a couple of posts that I just had to work with Amanda, her energy and positivity is contagious and so is her success! I implemented a few strategies from her Cash Injection Campaign and booked 98 strategy calls in 48 hours! I have since implemented a few more and was able to generate $7k in the first week of 2017! I have no doubt that Amanda’s strategies work and I have seen a return on my investment and then some within a few weeks of working with her. She’s AHHH-MAZING!”
~ Wendy Porter, Instagram Expert, Arizona

“I’m getting sales calls every day!”
“The biggest breakthrough for me was very unexpected. It was you teaching me to stand in my power confidently as a leader. That and the Facebook group marketing strategies you’ve taught have not only gotten me my first paying clients, but I’m also getting sales calls on my calendar every day now!”
~ Sarah W

“I’m finally getting high-end clients!”
“I can’t stop buying from you, everything is so valuable! Right away, you taught me how to script my sales conversations in a way that worked and I sold right away. Then after we shifted my positioning, I was able to finally get some high-end clients in the door (which paid for the program and then some). You are so authentic and inspiring – thank you for everything!”
~ Brenda

“I’ve started taking on 1-on-1 clients!”
“When you got me on the phone, I was taking notes like a mad woman. It was REALLY GOOD STUFF! That’s when I knew that you totally knew what you were talking about! Since working together, I’ve started taking on 1-on-1 clients, and I think I’ve really perfected my group programs. I love how you set up your modules very clear-cut and step-by-step.”
~ Tiffany

Ready to say “goodbye” to complicated launches for good?
Lock in your spot in The Flash Launch Certified Coach™
Training Program today!

This is your chance to discover how easy it can be to book sales calls, attract loyal new clients, and turn your coaching biz into a thriving empire… while being a true hero to business owners who desperately need you.

All you need to do to answer the call (and start “saving the day” for your clients) is to click the button below and register for the Certified Flash Launch Coach Program now:

Yeah baby, I want to be a Certified Flash Launch Coach!

Now, because I’m including a lot of individual attention in this certification program, I can only let in a small number of members. And when that number is reached, the doors will slam shut and my guard-dragons will snort derisively at you. So don’t miss your chance – lock in your spot while you still can!

Let’s get launching!



PS. This program is normally $2000 and sold only on the phone (hence the lack of pricing on this page). For Cyber Monday, we are offering it for 50% OFF and you can get in for just $1000 or 4-payments of $250/mo. This offer expires 11:59pm ET TODAY.

PPS. We'll start the program in January after the holidays.